Tuesday 15 March 2011

This is the End!

Well, folks, today is the last day of the Challenge. Really, the time flew by, and now we can all forget about Fair Trade altogether.... Or not. The One Month Challenge is a great way of raising awareness of environmental and labour justice issues, but it is certainly not the end of the road.

Through this challenge, many of us discovered that Fair Trade Options are generally pretty easy to come by (in an urban setting, anyway) and not necessarily more expensive, or at least not prohibitively so. Fair Trade wine isn't much more than an average bottle, and many coffee shops offer Fair Trade coffee for the same price as a regular cup.

After lamenting the fact early on that boxes of Fair Trade teas were quite a bit more per bag than the cheap-o varieties offered at grocery stores, I was surprised to find that I still have a good amount of tea left over. Not only that, but when compared to Gretzky's Green Tea, the Fair Trade option is actually cheaper to purchase than the Great Ones' brand. Sorry Wayne, but you just don't make the cut, this time.

To celebrate a successful challenge, I'm going to enjoy the last of a bottle of red wine tonight, and look forward to challenging myself to choose Fair Trade options regularly until next year's challenge comes around again.

- Sheldon


  1. This is a great resource for every day fair trade coffee and gifts, keep up the challenge, everyday:) good call!



  2. oops,
